
Thankyou for your interest. We are currently not available for consulting work – far too busy! Feel free to get in touch anyway, but please do not expect availability.

If you have trouble finding experienced Delphi or C++Builder developers, or need a developer experienced in both old and new versions of Delphi and C++Builder, we can help.


Concrete skills and knowledge we can bring to your software include:

Multithreaded program architecture and data processing

  • Multithreaded data calculations, parallelizing existing algorithms, and designing new threaded data flow frameworks
  • Integrating new threaded designs into legacy singlethreaded applications
  • Handling “big data” (multi-gigabyte) data sets

User interface design for complex applications

  • Zoomable user interfaces
  • 3D visualisation and intuitive interaction
  • Redesigning existing applications to have elegant, simple and powerful UIs.

Providing useable, functional and aesthetically pleasing interfaces for complex and powerful software and simplifying the way people interact with complex programs is a particular interest.

Low-level algorithms and data structures

  • Computer science algorithms and data structures (trees and tries, lists and queues, sorting and searches, etc)
  • Interpreting and implementing published papers detailing processing algorithms (image filtering, FFTs, etc)
  • Designing and working with data processing flow frameworks
  • Complex data format representation, including designing extensible binary file formats

Delphi and C++Builder IDE and library upgrades

  • Experience with Delphi since Delphi 1, and every version since, including XE7
  • Experience with C++Builder 6 and every version since, including XE7
  • Unicode upgrades
  • Component and library version upgrades, including changing components and libraries completely
  • 32 to 64-bit conversions

FireMonkey and multiplatform applications

  • FireMonkey on Windows, OSX and iOS
  • Custom component development for both FMX and VCL, and custom controls implemented at the WinAPI level (eg for use in non-Delphi software)

Language knowledge

  • Extensive experience (over a decade) with the Delphi language and RTL
  • Extensive experience (eight years) with C++, the STL, etc

And much more!

Consulting services are provided under a separate contract to other legal contracts or licenses specified on this website or provided by Parnassus in other forms.


Interested? Great! Please send an email through the following form.





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